Using the MySQL database on the MSS
The MySQL database is pre-integrated into the My sCool Server and is read to use for teaching database design and related programming.
MySQL version
The My sCool Server ships with MySQL Community Server 5.6.36.
MySQL administration
A computer laboratory admin or a teacher may start using it by setting up student accounts via the phpMyAdmin web administration console.
Web based
It is accessible over the local network via a browser at the following address -
For example, type in the browser's address bar -
It can also be invoked directly via Applications -> Programming -> phpMyAdmin on any MSS client.
Detailed documentation for usage of phpMyAdmin is accessible by clicking on the "?" icon in the menu accessible after login -
phpMyAdmin menu iconsVia the Terminal
Alternatively one may create a Remmina session into the server followed by typing in a Terminal -
mysql -u root -P 33306 -h server -p

Default password for root user is myskool.

It is highly recommended that this be reset to something secure and access should only be kept with the lab admin or a teacher.
User access
Once the users have been created they may access the MySQL server by using the below methods -
Via the Browser
It is accessible over the local network via a browser at the following address -
For example, type in the browser's address bar -
It can also be invoked directly via Applications -> Programming -> phpMyAdmin on any MSS client.
Login with the user credentials created for you by the admin or your teacher.
Via the Terminal
mysql -u <username> -P 33306 -h {server|<serverip>} -p
For example, the user student1 needs to type the following in the terminal followed by the assigned password when prompted -
mysql -u student1 -P 33306 -h server -p

Please note that the above is applicable to MSS systems shipped
post March, 2021. To have this feature activated on systems shipped prior to March, 2021, do contact